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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday: The Story of Ruah Woods

    On Thursday's show, an interview with Sharon Kuhlman, Executive Director of Ruah Woods, a Cincinnati lay apostolate dedicated to restoring family life and renewing culture by educating and training others to understand, embrace, and evangelize the message of the Theology of the Body. We'll hear about the dream that got Ruah Woods off the ground, and where the Spirit is leading them in the future.

   Also, a clearer picture of a Francis papacy, and Moses as a key to understanding the Pope.

  Question of Pi day: Are you a math lover or a math hater, and why?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get a chance to share an answer for your Question of the day yesterday. I was on the Math Team in high school as well. But .. I wouldn't say I'm a math lover either. I did well in it, loved the logic of algebra, and numbers don't scare me; however, I hated geometry! I think I fall somewhere in the middle. One of my HS friends once asked me if I was going to major in math in college. I remember being surprised that someone would ask me that! I never considered it. LOL!
