On Thursday's show, Bishop John Stowe, OFM. Conv,, addresses the on-line controversy regarding his scheduled appearance at the spring New Ways Ministry conference (6:30am EST). Also, Fr. Alan Carter explains why Advent is his favorite season (7:30am), the Pope on
who failed Judas, and how Russia became a
partisan issue.
Good morning! I learned too late that Bishop Stowe was your guest this morning, talking about New Ways Ministry's Symposium on LGBT issues. As the executive director of New Ways Ministry, I am, of course, eager to hear the interview. I caught about the last 10 minutes of it online, but missed whatever preceded that portion. Is there a link that you can send me to listen to the entire interview. If so, my email address is director@NewWaysMinistry.org. Thank you for considering this request, and God bless your ministry! Sincerely, Francis DeBernardo