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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday's Show: Measuring Papability

   On Tuesday's show, live once again from Corbin's Sacred Heart parish, we'll discuss the papability of Cardinal Timothy Dolan and others, the Church as life-saving station, happy birthday to man in black, and a decidedly inconvenient gospel reading. Also, Laura Napora from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish calls to tell us about this Sunday's "Naming Ceremony" for those who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion.

1 comment:

  1. Having abortion as a category is shameful as it is willful glorfying the Satanic child murder that sent an innocent child Limbo which deprived the infant of ever seeing the Beatific Vision of God for eternity. Parents do not "lose" their child through abortion; one or both of them made a willful decision to destroy it.

    "Jane and I killed our child...we would like to name him/her..." Doesn't that strike you as...?

    Between this, that "Evening Among Friends" scharade, and the fact that over 54% of you guys in the Novus Ordo voted for Ovomit, and with the countless sacrileges that occur, I am supposed to believe you guys are "pro-life"? Hypocritical, deluded fools...may the Holy Trinity lift the cloud the fogs your eyes.
